प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी पश्चिम एशिया और खाड़ी देशों की यात्रा के अंतिम चरण में रविवार 11 जनवरी की शाम ओमान की राजधानी मस्कट पहुंचे। वहां रहने वाले भारतीयों ने मोदी का गर्मजोशी से स्वागत किया। बाद में मोदी ने मस्कट में सुल्तान कबूस खेल परिसर में एक समारोह में जनसमुदाय को संबोधित किया।

The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi enplanes for Oman from Dubai Airport Royal Air Wing, on February 11, 2018.

The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi being received by the Deputy Prime Minister Oman, Fahd bin Mahmood Al Said, on his arrival, in Muscat, Oman on February 11, 2018.

The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi being received by the Deputy Prime Minister Oman, Fahd bin Mahmood Al Said, on his arrival, in Muscat, Oman on February 11, 2018.

The Indian community enthThe Indian community enthusiastically welcomes the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi to Muscat, Oman on February 11, 2018.usiastically welcomes the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi to Muscat, Oman on February 11, 2018.

The Indian The Indian community enthusiastically welcomes the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi to Muscat, Oman on February 11, 2018.community enthusiastically welcomes the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi to Muscat, Oman on February 11, 2018.
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